Welcome to the Vegetarian and Vegan Society (VegSA) Inc website! The society is a non-profit, non-sectarian organisation. We aim to promote the principles and advantages of plant based diet, in a spirit of friendship and co-operation.
Click here for more about our objectives or click here to view and download our information brochure.
The VegSA as The Vegetarian Society of South Australia, was established in 1962, having previously been a branch of the Australian Vegetarian Society since 1950,
VegSA acts as a support group for those wishing to follow a vegetarian or vegan life style and as a source of information on vegetarian and vegan related issues especially in respect to the local environment.
VegSA is a member of the the Conservation Council of SA. We work co-operatively with other organisations that seek to promote animal rights and a healthy, humane life style, such as Animal Liberation (SA), Animals Australia, Natural Health Society of Australia and vegetarian and vegan societies in Australia and elsewhere. See our links page.
VegSA organises social and informational sessions for its own members and members of the public (see Events & Notices). We distribute the “True Natural Health” magazine to our members and our quarterly newsletter, “Food for Thought”, to members and other organisations.
VegSA promotes the most powerful step that we can take as individuals to avert global warming – don’t eat meat, eggs and dairy products.